
Import, Broadcast & Track

Simply Import Broadcast Messages to thousands of your opted-in users in a single click using Smart Campaign Manager and Alendei CRM. 

Track the results in Real-time for each campaign.

Benefits of WhatsApp Business API

Everything You Need for Whatsapp Engagement

Alendei Platform covers all aspects of Marketing, CRM & Customer Support in one Place

Benefits of WhatsApp Business API

Smooth Chatbot to Human Transfer

Monitor Chatbot Conversations and Take over the Conversation smoothly. Get Notified when for Bot to Human Transfers

Benefits of WhatsApp Business API

Smart Audience Segmentation

No Need to Upload Excel Each time you wish to broadcast! Segregate Audiences using Filters and Broadcast Accordingly.

Benefits of WhatsApp Business API

Seamless Chatbot Integration

Integrate Google Dialogflow Chatbot in a Single Click. Send Images, Docs, Videos in a Smart Automated Manner to Drive Sales & Support

Extensive User Profile & CRM

Be available for your customers on their favourite WhatsApp channel 24/7 using NLP based Chatbot and Live Chat.

Benefits of WhatsApp Business API

5 Quick Steps To Use Our Services

Free Whatsapp Business Api

Get Whatsapp Business API Approval in 10 Minutes (FREE with any plan)

Broadcast Unlimited Campaigns

Broadcast Messages To Unlimited Users Every Day

Connect No Code AI Chatbots

Connect No-code Chatbots From Google Dialogflow In A Single Click

Multi-agent Live Chat

Enable Multiple Human-agent Live Chat Support On The Same Whatsapp Number

Import And Export Contacts

Import Opted-in Contacts And Broadcast Messages Seamlessly.

Send Personalised Messages

Use User Attributes Effectively To Send Personalised Campaigns

Connect Your Apis

Easily Connect With Shopify, Hubspot, Salesforce, Woocommerce, Zapier , Payment Portals, Crms & More

Template Messages Approvals

Quick Fast Template Message Approval Process (10 Minutes - 1 Hour) Via Interactive Dashboard

Chat Crm Included

Manage Contacts & Create Segregated Audience Using Various Tags, Attributes & More

Send Retargeting Campaigns

Segregate Your Audiences Smartly And Re-broadcast For Higher Conversions!

Schedule Broadcasts

Schedule Broadcasts Upto 2 Months Ahead Of Time Across Varying Timezones

Click Tracking

Track Users Clicking On Your Message's Cta Buttons With This Pro Feature.


Create & Run Click-to-whatsapp Ads On Facebook/ Instagram Via Aisensy & Direct Thousands Of Leads To Your Whatsapp.

Agent Rules

Simplify Chat Distribution By Assigning Tags To Agents & Have Them View Only Those Chats That Match The Assigned Tag.

Agent Transfer

Transfer Chats From One Agent To Another Easily

Send Automated CTA Based Notifications

Whatsapp Smart Notifications include Quick Links & Quick Reply Call-to-Action Buttons with 45-60% Click Rates. 

Benefits of WhatsApp Business API
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Open Rate

WhatsApp Messages has an Open Rate of 98% which is HUGE as compared to the 12% Open Rates of SMS and Email.

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CTAs Click Rate

WhatsApp allows you to send interactive Call To Action buttons having 45-60% click-rates which is not like any other normal URL.

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Quick Reply Rate

Send Quick Reply buttons to your customers on WhatsApp for their instant response genration.